Dale Evangelical Free Church
Glorifying God By Exalting Christ
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Sermon Notes for March 22Warning - this news article expired on 2020-03-29. Information may no longer be accurate or applicable


We are not meeting as a congregation today, so let me suggest to you that you read Matthew 26:1-75. This is a long passage and contains much material. I would encourage you to read the passage, talk about it, and spend time in prayer. If you are alone, why not call someone else and share together on the phone. Make a list of prayer requests and pray for each of your requests. Let’s make this a time of spiritual growth for all of us. We may be closed for more than one Sunday so we need to prepare for this important time in the history of our country.

Matthew 26:1-75

26:1-5 Jesus predicts His crucifixion and the Chief priests, elders, and Caiaphas (the high priest) plot to kill Christ.

26:6-13 Mary, of Bethany, anointed Jesus with costly ointment. The disciples problem of using the money for the poor.

26:14-16 Judas Iscariot agreed to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver (Ex. 21:32)

26:17-19 The disciples ask-where do You want us to prepare for the Passover? Jesus told them how they can know.

26:2025 The Passover and the prediction of Judas betraying Jesus.

26:26-30 Jesus instituted the Lord’s Table. We follow this practice today.

26:31-35 Jesus and the disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus predicted that the disciples would all leave Him (Zech. 13:7) Peter said, I will never leave you. Jesus told Peter that he would deny Jesus three times before the roaster crowed twice (The trumpet was blown at 12 midnight and at 3 a.m.)

26:36-46 Peter, James, and John went further into the garden than the other disciples. Jesus prayed three times and found the disciples sleeping after each time He came to them.

26:47-50 Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Jesus was arrested.

26:51-56 Peter cut off the ear of the slave (Malchus John 18:10) of the high priest.

26:57-64 Jesus was brought before Caiaphas. The Council had a hard time finding a case against Jesus to kill Him.

26:65-68 The High Priest tore his robe because he thought He had blasphemed. He spit on Jesus and struck Him.

26:69-75 Peter denied Jesus three times. The rooster crowed. Peter wept bitterly